Do you offer a free trial?
Yes, we do! You can opt for a trial period of 7 days with Innergy’s annual subscription.
During the free trial period, you can access all of Innergy’s content, to explore the wide range of content it offers.
Please note that free trial is only available with full price annual subscription.
Here's how you can start your free trial.
- Download Innergy: On your iOS device from the App store and on your Android device from the Google Play store.
- Create an account: Sign up for an Innergy account using phone, email or social accounts.
- Unlock Innergy: After signing up, unlock Innergy by clicking on any of the locked content in the app. This unlocks the 7-day trial period.
- Payment Processing: You can confirm the purchase by providing your payment information. Please note that you’ll be charged after the 7-days trial period is over.
For steps on how to purchase Innergy, please refer here.
- Enjoy your free trial: Congratulations! Your Innergy subscription unlocks access to Innergy’s full suite of features and content.
Find out more about what you get with the Innergy subscription here.
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Is there a free version of Innergy?
Yes! You can get a free version of Innergy today by signing up. Explore a sampling of our custom-tailored content and features for free! You can also get a free subscription trial of Innergy's premium content for 7 days with an annual plan.
How do I Manage my Innergy App subscription?
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Do you offer lifetime subscription?
We’re glad to see that you wish to join the Innergy community for an extended period! Unfortunately, we do not have lifetime subscription plans at the moment.
Where can I find my subscription details?
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